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Do Not Sell My Personal Information
Opt-Out or Request Information
The California Consumer Privacy Act(CCPA) allows you access and control of your data.
If you would like to opt-out and/or delete the personal information we have on file for you, please submit the form below. You may also request a copy of the information that BrooksIM currently has about you.
IMPORTANT: You must provide your email address or full name and mailing address to submit the form. If you are requesting information, all fields are required.
If you prefer to not use the form above there are several ways consumer can opt-out with BrooksIM to make it easiest for them and their mode of communication. Consumers are able to 1) email directly to to request to be removed/opted-out; 2) call 800-531-2601x998 and request to opted-out or 3) fill out the form above. We respect your privacy and hope these options help.
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